Qualification Check and Environmental Responsibility

Qualification Check and Environmental Responsibility
26/11/2021 Qualification Check

Qualification Check and Environmental Responsibility

Growing awareness of our impact on our environment has led many companies to re-examine their operating models and their corporate carbon footprint; to consider how they can prosper in an environmentally responsible manner.

Qualification Check’s Products  and Services

Qualification Check’s basic proposition is environmentally sound, to enable fast, global, primary source verifications of qualifications and other credentials, electronically, without the need to present physical documents in person or using postal or international courier services.

Users are able to store, maintain and share pre-verified digital credentials, from anywhere.  Issuing institutions can process incoming verification requests without physical documentation or manual processing.

Ed Hall, Qualification Check CEO said “Our solution “I’m Verified” is a core part of our mission to digitise credentials and eradicate the need for paper certificates and the environmentally unfriendly administration they create when producing, replacing and sharing them.

The security of data in transit and storage is paramount to us and our customers. This means that all our processes are paperless ensuring data is stored securely in the cloud which also helps minimise our environmental footprint.

Environmentally friendly computing strategy

The cloud-based systems on which Qualification Check’s services are based work on a scaling model, spinning up extra server resources when demand is high, and releasing those resources again when demand lessens. This shared-facility approach releases computing resource for other uses when it is unneeded.

Flexible working practices

Closer to home, Qualification Check supports our employees through flexible working policies.

State of the art collaboration tools enable our staff to optimise home working and limit commuting to only what is necessary. Central locations and hot desking allow Qualification Check to maintain low-footprint office facilities.

Our infrastructure provides resilience, ensuring our services are maintained, regardless of external factors such as poor weather or regional covid-related lockdowns.

Find out what Qualification Check can do for you today.

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