The pressing need for international recruitment in Community & Social Care

The pressing need for international recruitment in Community & Social Care
03/11/2022 Kathy Sadler


Qualification Check provides verification of qualifications for a broad range of industries and
organisations including Health and Social Care, and the NHS.

As a large organisation, the NHS has multiple initiatives, local and national, to recruit clinical staff
from countries where there is a surfeit of qualified candidates. However the same does not
generally apply to Social Care organisations, often small providers of nursing and care homes,
facilities for supported living and other private environments.

For these employers, the need to recruit qualified carers and nurses is no less urgent. In FY2021/22,
there were 165,000 vacancies listed in the UK, 55,000 up on the previous year, which represents
roughly 10% of the social care work force. *


In FY2021/22, there were 165,000 Health & Social Care vacancies listed in the UK, 55,000 up on the previous year, which represents roughly 10% of the social care work force.


The need to fill those social care vacancies, and its impact on care further up the chain, must not be
under-estimated. A lack of appropriate community care means that medically fit patients cannot be
discharged from hospitals, blocking beds and delaying treatment for others.

For example, in Wales there are currently estimated to be 1,500 medically fit people who cannot be
discharged from hospital because appropriate community care plans are not in place for them. That
equates to more than 10% of the total hospital beds in Wales.

Standards in overseas recruitment for Social and Community Care must be maintained by every
employer. Qualifications and the professional status of applicants must be checked and verified,
regardless of the country in which they were awarded, representing a significant administrative
overhead for smaller organisations.

Qualification Check’s Global Verification offers primary source verification of clinical, nursing,
midwifery and social care qualifications from anywhere in the world, via a simple cloud-based portal.
All verifications are in written form for audit and compliance purposes, allowing smaller companies
to recruit from abroad. Once staff are registered with the NMC or the HCPC in the UK, automated
monthly re-verification can be provided with UK Medical Licence Monitoring, a subscription service.

For further details on how Qualification Check can support recruitment and reduce staffing costs
within Community and Social Care, contact us at Global Verifications – Free Trial


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