Checking qualifications in a global marketplace

Checking qualifications in a global marketplace
08/12/2015 Qualification Check

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Checking qualifications in a global marketplace

Qualification Check


When recruiting for jobs the marketplace for potential applicants has increased exponentially.

With this rapid growth to what is now a global market, the ability to be able to contact overseas colleges and universities to check qualifications has become an absolute necessity.

But not only that, our cities attract citizens from all over the world, with more than a third of Londoners born abroad – that’s approx 2.5 million people – there’s over 270 nationalities and 300 different languages in the UK capital alone.

Add to this the information that increasingly students are packing their bags and choosing to head overseas for their degrees – the USA has the most with over 740,000 international

students, Japan over 150,000 and the UAE over 50,000 – this further underlines the vital importance of being able to check qualifications with overseas institutions quickly and effectively as part of the recruitment process.

However, it has to be said that contacting them manually to check qualifications is an onerous, time consuming task.

Language difficulties, varying time zones, data protection and confidentiality rules, being able to obtain the correct contact information and speak to the right person at the right time all add to the challenges and inevitably cause delays which can derail an often tight recruitment schedule.

Qualification Check offers an automated checking service which is fast, secure and accurate.

Covering over 10,000 universities, colleges and professional bodies in more than 60 countries, with 24/7 global reach, Qualification Check gives the peace of mind needed when recruiting.

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