AutoVerify: For Simpler, Faster and More Effective Verification Management!

AutoVerify: For Simpler, Faster and More Effective Verification Management!
11/08/2020 Qualification Check

Auto verify

With the ever increasing number of graduates applying for jobs each year, universities and professional associations issuing certificates and licences are becoming increasingly overwhelmed with thousands of verification requests – received from different sources such as institutions, consulates, companies and other background screeners – requiring thorough vetting in order to combat potential fraud. These records are being sent through multiple channels – like fax, courier companies, emails, calls and site visits – more often than not making the verification process unnecessarily lengthy, complex and burdensome on admission staff and registrars. Not to mention, these procedures also run the risk of personal data being misused, thus possibly resulting in some serious financial consequences and violations of privacy.


Because we live in a world where technology reigns supreme, Qualification Check launched an extension of its services called AutoVerify, which is designed to support educational institutions and regulated industries in managing incoming verification requests for student records. The highly intuitive and secure platform conveniently organises verification requests – regardless how and where from they were received – under one centralised hub, ultimately enhancing speed and efficiency; saving time and effort; reducing human error; improving the quality of admissions deliverables; and ensuring that data security and privacy standards are upheld.


To better adapt to the varied requirements of educational institutions and professional bodies worldwide, AutoVerify offers two versions to choose from – ‘Pro’ and ‘Lite’ – depending on the level of automation they are comfortable with. With ‘AutoVerify Pro’, checks are processed automatically using innovative software that securely inspects records without any human intervention, whereas ‘AutoVerify Lite’ grants access to an all-in-one management platform without the need for integration with the existing student record system.


With AutoVerify’s streamlined student record verification model, universities and educational institutions are now able to not only guarantee peace of mind amidst rising fraud incidents and significantly relieve increasing administrative pressures, but also actively boost the integrity of the workforce and enhance the recruitment processes for graduates and employees across the globe.


Upgrade to AutoVerify and conduct your graduate verifications with absolute accuracy and ease – helping save time for your staff, graduates and their employers!

Find out what Qualification Check can do for you today.

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